
Other deprecated features

There are features that Compiled supports, but we now discourage for performance reasons.

Template literals

Compiled supports writing styles as a template literal on our styled and css APIs.

We now recommend using style objects instead of template literals, due to better type safety and syntax validation when using object styles.


/** @jsxImportSource @compiled/react */
import { css } from '@compiled/react';

export const EmphasisText = (props) => (
      color: #00b8d9;
      text-transform: uppercase;
      font-weight: 700;
/* css-prop-string.tsx generated by @compiled/babel-plugin v0.32.2 */
import { ax, ix, CC, CS } from '@compiled/react/runtime';
const _3 = '._k48p1fw0{font-weight:700}';
const _2 = '._1p1dangw{text-transform:uppercase}';
const _ = '._syazxdf1{color:#00b8d9}';
export const EmphasisText = (props) => (
    <CS>{[_, _2, _3]}</CS>
    {<span className={ax(['_syazxdf1 _1p1dangw _k48p1fw0'])}>{props.children}</span>}
Sort out
<EmphasisText>Sort out</EmphasisText>


/** @jsxImportSource @compiled/react */
import { css } from '@compiled/react';

const styles = css({
  color: '#00b8d9',
  textTransform: 'uppercase',
  fontWeight: 700,

export const EmphasisText = ({ children }) => <span css={styles}>{children}</span>;
/* css-prop-obj.tsx generated by @compiled/babel-plugin v0.32.2 */
import { ax, ix, CC, CS } from '@compiled/react/runtime';
const _3 = '._k48p1fw0{font-weight:700}';
const _2 = '._1p1dangw{text-transform:uppercase}';
const _ = '._syazxdf1{color:#00b8d9}';
const styles = null;
export const EmphasisText = ({ children }) => (
    <CS>{[_, _2, _3]}</CS>
    {<span className={ax(['_syazxdf1 _1p1dangw _k48p1fw0'])}>{children}</span>}

Nested rules

Like many other CSS-in-JS libraries, Compiled supports nested rules.

Use with caution. Nested selectors will create bloat in the stylesheet through bespoke selectors that are never de-duplicated with other usages elsewhere in the codebase, defeating the purpose and benefits of atomic CSS.

import { css } from '@compiled/react';

const styles = css({
  margin: '0 auto',
  div: {
    color: 'red',
    fontSize: '12px',
    a: {
      textDecoration: 'none',

<div css={styles}>
    <a>My link</a>

Instead, we recommend assigning styles directly to the elements to which they apply.

import { css } from '@compiled/react';

const outerStyles = css({ margin: '0 auto' });
const innerStyles = css({ color: 'red', fontSize: '12px' });
const linkStyles = css({ textDecoration: 'none' });

<div css={outerStyles}>
  <div css={innerStyles}>
    <a css={linkStyles}>My link</a>

Passing css prop to JSX elements with css prop

We support passing a css prop to components that you create with Compiled. However, this is not recommended as it can be tricky to statically determine which styles are applied at runtime.

/** @jsxImportSource @compiled/react */
import { css } from '@compiled/react';

const EmphasisText = (props) => (
      color: '#00b8d9',
      textTransform: 'uppercase',
      fontWeight: 700,

export const CustomColorText = (props) => (
  <EmphasisText css={css({ color: props.color })}>{props.children}</EmphasisText>
/* css-prop-composition-correct.tsx generated by @compiled/babel-plugin v0.32.2 */
import { ax, ix, CC, CS } from '@compiled/react/runtime';
const _4 = '._syaz4rde{color:var(--_kmurgp)}';
const _3 = '._k48p1fw0{font-weight:700}';
const _2 = '._1p1dangw{text-transform:uppercase}';
const _ = '._syazxdf1{color:#00b8d9}';
const EmphasisText = (props) => (
    <CS>{[_, _2, _3]}</CS>
      <span className={ax(['_syazxdf1 _1p1dangw _k48p1fw0', props.className])} style={}>
export const CustomColorText = (props) => (
          '--_kmurgp': ix(props.color),
Pink text
<CustomColorText color="pink">Pink text</CustomColorText>

Note that both className and style props need to be explicitly given for this to work. (Spread props such as <div {...props} css={{ ... }} /> may not be enough.) If not, the styles will not be applied correctly.

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